Monday, 25 March 2013

Dental Care Tips for Diabetics

If you are a diabetes person, make sure that you care enough for your mouth as most of the diabetes patients are at a risk of mouth infections. The major infectious disease that may affect diabetes patients are, dry mouth, gum inflammation, poor healing of oral tissues and burning mouth and/or tongue. Chance of thrush and periodontal diseases is higher for diabetes patients with smoking habit.  It is necessary to follow good dental care practices as they are more prone to harmful oral infections. MIDAC here has mentioned some tips for maintaining strong teeth.

  • Keep your blood sugar close to normal
  • Tell your dentist about the status of your diabetes during each visit  
  • Before setting up a treatment for periodontal disease consult your diabetes doctor 
  • Give a brief list of diabetes medications and dosages to your dentist
  • If your blood sugar is not in good control, postpone nonemergency dental care procedures 

Keep these tips in mind to maintain good dental health. Oral illness can be treated well if proper medications and good hygiene is followed. 
dental care india

Thursday, 21 March 2013

How to face a dental emergency?

dental care india
Dental emergencies can be severe and therefore should not be overlooked. If you ignore a dental problem, the risk of damage will increase and also the need for a wide and posh treatment too. Following appropriate safety measures will help avoid accident and injury to your teeth. Wearing a mouthguard when taking part in fun and game activities will reduces the risk of damage to your teeth, lips, cheek and tongue. Most common dental problems are listed below:

  • Toothache
Clean the affected tooth and wet the mouth thoroughly with warm water. Use dental floss to remove food particles that may cause infection. If the face is gets inflated, apply cold compresses and contact your dentist right away.

  • Cut or Bitten Tongue, Lip or Cheek
Applying ice on the affected areas will help control distension. Apply gentle pressure with a gauze or cloth in case of heavy bleeding and call a doctor in if it couldn’t be controlled.

  • Knocked out Permanent Tooth
Find the tooth and soak it with only water. Examine the tooth for fractures if any and try to reinsert it in the socket. If it cannot be inserted, then, transfer it in a cup containing the patient's saliva or milk. The affected must see a dentist as soon as possible.

  • Knocked out Baby Tooth
This is a usual thing and so, no need of emergency. Treatment is not necessary for most cases.

  • Chipped or Fractured Permanent Tooth
Contact your dentist soon as it will prevent infection and cut down the need for a wide dental treatment. Clean your mouth with water and apply cold compresses to reduce distension.

  • Severe Blow to the Head
Your child must be carried to the nearest hospital immediately.

  • Possible Broken or Fractured Jaw
Should not allow the broken or fractured jaw to be moved and take your child to the nearest hospital as soon as possible.

You can get rid of most of the dental problems if the given instructions are strictly followed. Dental clinics like Midac are able and fit to provide you with world class services.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Oral health tips for kids

Strong teeth really play a vital role in every child’s wellbeing. Tooth decay is the chronic infectious disease that affects children more than any other disease. Unrefined tooth decay may even lead to eating, speaking, playing, and learning problems. So, follow these tips to keep your child free from dental problems.

  1. Early Oral Care:
Getting an early dental care saves money and time.  As per estimates, the dental care costs were almost 40% lowered for children who got dental care by age one compared to those who didn't go to the dentist.

  1. The Brush & Floss Habit:
You can brush the baby gums using water on a soft baby toothbrush or clean them with a soft washcloth and should be done twice daily using fluoridated toothpaste. Flossing is expected to begin when two teeth touch each other. The apt time for brush and floss is just before bedtime. Food and drink is not permitted until the next morning. 

  1. Avoid "Baby Bottle Decay":
Do not put your child down for a nap with a bottle of juice or milk, as the sugary liquids in the bottle sticks to the baby's teeth.  The bacteria in the mouth generate acids that cause tooth decay. Make sure that the bottle that you give your child to take to bed contains only water.

  1. The Sippy Cup Habit:

Parents think that juice from sippy cup is a healthy day long choice for a beverage. But it is too hazardous to health. Extended use of a sippy cup can cause decay on the back of the front teeth. So, Sugary drinks and foods should be limited to mealtimes.

  1. Binky only for infants:

Pacifiers used in the first year of life may help to put off sudden infant death syndrome but long-term use can be perilous to dental health. Sucking too strongly on a pacifier can affect the top and bottom teeth line up or can affect the shape of the mouth.

  1. Mouth frosty Medicines:
Almost all medications for children are flavored and sugary. The risk for tooth decay goes up, if it gets stuck on the teeth. Antibiotics and some asthma medications can cause candida overgrowth, which leads to a fungal infection called oral thrush. So, advise your child to brush often to get rid of dental problems.